Tuesday, December 11, 2007

My Inquiry Evaluation

I think the filming of the movie was great even though the filming was wobbly and there were a few problems and some people werent helping with the pack up and they were also being silly while others were filming.

The finishing product was is good but we couldnt find all the parts to the news because we didnt film in order and some of our footage got erased.

Monday, November 12, 2007

this is my gym certificate and i am very proud of it because i got a 5

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Friday, November 2, 2007

Speech Feedback Term 3 - Animal Abuse

2.52 Great example of how some people talk to their pets to beging your speech, this grabbed our attention. The speed of your delivery was great, giving us time to think about the message. Having pictures to back up your ideas really added to the message.

Next Steps:
Speak a little louder so everyone in your audience can hear you.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Term 4 goals

My first goal is to get into a routine of walking the dog every day. To do this I will cross out the dates I did do it on my calander.

My second goal is to make sure I have a clean desk. To do this my desk will always be clean and it will be easy to find things in my desk.

My third goal is to keep on top of my work and not to be slack on it. To do this I will make a chart of each n.n (non-negotiable negotiables) on a white board and rub each one I have done out.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Speech Evaluation

I think my speech was really good because it was well set out with some pictures and I think I presented it really well like vairing my voice, speaking clearly and looking at the audience. I was proud when I got my final score too because the score was 25/25.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

nomi's reflections

Today I learnt more techniques for long jump.

Because of this learning I can do better jumps in long jump.

The next step in my learning is to work on my goals more.